Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Put your own flower arrangements together!

Interested in cutting out a hunk of that budget of yours? Here's an idea: create your own bouquet and center pieces... boutineers too! You can use either real or silk flowers, and the beauty of using silk flowers is they will not die. There are wholesale flower shops in most areas where you can stroll through the warehouse and pick the type of flowers you might want. Prices will differ of course depending on what type of flower you choose and if it is the right time of year.

Nervous about your bouquet-making abilities? YouTube it! YouTube has a plethora of sources to choose from, offering directions for different bouquet styles and shapes. Center pieces are a breeze too! You can make these ahead of time, especially if you use silk flowers.

If it seems scary, it's not. Buy a few small bouquets of flowers and do practice runs a few weeks before the big day so you can get used to it. Think of it as girl-time with your bridesmaids. Make mimosas and have fun being creative.

1 comment:

  1. I really like flowers arrangements. I keep on trying different pattern in décor at home as this is my hobby for floral arrangements. Few days back arranged a tea party at home where did amazing floral décor. For fresh flowers I always use San Francisco Florist services who provide lovely flowers.
